
Total Owed by Spain

Total Interest and Legal costs incurred by Spain

€ 1,562,000,000

Total of the Principle Awards

€ 7,340,000,000

Damage to the Spanish Economy

€ 73,000,000

Spanish Attorneys Legal Fees

Spain has more international arbitration debts than any other country in the world, topping the league table alongside Russia and Venezuela. Spain is one of a very select few countries, together with Venezuela, that refuses to settle final World Bank ICSID awards. Spain’s failure to honour her obligations is having serious consequences including asset seizures of state property, a Spanish bond default, huge interest and legal fees, reputational damage to Spain as an investment destination and implications for renewable energy investments worldwide. The Rule of law is under threat and the Spanish Government is failing its citizens, remarkably all of the cases against her are in renewable solar energy.

Key Facts

Affected families
Renewable Energy Investors
cases concluded, Spain has lost almost all of them
Most cases have been arbitrated through the World Bank backed International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes in Washington DC
Spain is the leading country alongside Venezuela and Russia that refuses to settle international arbitration disputes
Enforcement proceedings have begun with Asset Seizures and a Spanish Bond Default
Unpaid Awards against Spain
Interest and adverse legal fees
Spanish Attorneys legal fees

The Saga

Media Coverage